Sunday, June 04, 2006

Meditation Techniques----Basic Workshop


Much has been theoretically said about Meditation.So,Now let’s start the Practicals.The categorization of Meditation Techniques can be initially done in two parts.First category consists of the techniques,using which, we can enter the state of Meditation.Second category of techniques are those which are practiced after entering the state of meditation using the techniques of category I.

The techniques taken up in Category I are,therefore, simpler to understand and practice.The following techniques can be taken under Category I:
Category I-A
# OOM/OOM {Chanting of OM}
# BI:BO {Breathing in,Breathing Out}
# 7:1::7:1
# B & N {Ballooning & Normalising}
# BtI {Breathing Through Infinite}

# BB(10_____1) {Black Board 10_____1}
# I.M. {Inside Muscles}
# I.O. {Inside Organs}
# P.R. {Progresive Relaxation}
# Affmns {Affirmations}
# BNP(10____1) {Beautiful Natural Place}
# HE {Happiness Event}

The following techniques may be grouped under CategoryII:
a) SS(N____P) {SS=Sea Shore}
b) QL(ILU) {Quiet Lake ,I Love You}
c) T.G.A. {Thank God for Assets}
d) F(o) {Forgive Others}
e) F(y) {Forgive Yourself}
f) W.P./2+2+2 {World Problem}
g) H.P.(o)/2+2+2 {Human Problem-Others}
h) H.P.(Y)/2+2+2 {Human Problem-Yourself}
i) Finding Love
j) A.O.G. {Attributes of God}

After all these techniques are explained one by one,we’ll start tak
ing up some advanced techniques under Category IV also. We’ll start taking up these techniques one by one from the next issue.

Mukul Chaudhri
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