Tuesday, May 23, 2006



Much has been said theoretically about Meditation.So,Now let’s start the Practicals.Following technique can be successfully practiced by anybody who wants to enjoy the bliss and resultant benefits:

Step1 :OOOM/OMMM 3min
Step2 :BI:BO 3min
Step3 :BB(10---1) 3min
Step4 :Affirmations 6min
Step5 :Nothing Doing 5min
Total 20min

Let us now try to understand what the abovementioned abbreviations mean:

Step1:OOOM/OMMM: During this step OM,the name of almighty,is repeated loudly by all the members together.This step is further subdivided into two steps:-During the first step,AU(O) is loudly spoken 2/3rd of the time and MM is spoken only 1/3rd of the time , while during the second step,AU(O) is spoken only 1/3rd of the time and MMM is repeated 2/3rd of the time.While we repeat MMM with closed mouth,experience of Bhramari Pranayama is witnessed.In Fact,whole of the universe is said to be contained in the word OM.According to our Upanishads,word OM is said to be formed wirh the help of Hindi alphabets 'aa''uu'and'mm'(Small Matras).'a' stands for PARMATMA,'u'stands for JIVATMA and 'm' stands forPRAKRITI.Since this small word contains the whole universe,this is the most appropriate name of GOD.

Step2:BI:BO: During this step,you just have to be aware that you are breathing also.We are spending 24 hours of the day in attaining various goals, executing all our important tasks .But,in the process we forget the most important function of our body & that is breathing.We forget that if our breath stops,we will no more be part of this world,we will no more be part of this system.We will no more be an achiever,we will no more be a go getter.

So,you have to be aware of the most important function(Breathing) of our body at all times while you are BREATHING IN & BREATHING OUT(BI:BO) .You can achieve this awareness if You start practicing it during Meditation Sessions.To achieve this,during the second step of you Meditation practice,keep your eyes closed and Mentally repeat the following sentence again & again:


Just by repeating this sentence again and again,you will start getting focussed towards your BREATH.You will find that your breath will automatically start getting Deeper & Deeper and you will start getting Calmer & Calmer.The production in your Thought Factory (Mind) will reduce and you will be ready to experience deeper levels of Meditations.

Step3:BB(10----1): Visualize that you are standing in front of a Blackboard with chalk in one hand and duster in the other hand.First,you write 10 on the blackboard ,then you wipe off 10 from the duster and write 9.Then,you wipe off 9 from the duster and write 8.Then, you wipe off 8 and write 7 from the chalk.Continue to imagine the same until you wipe off 2 and write 1 from the chalk on the blackboard.

Repeat this process two to three times mentally and you will find that you have started to enter the inner realms of yourself.In Tatteriya Upanishad,5 layers have been depicted as 1.Annamaya Kosha,2.Pranamaya Kosha,3.Manomaya Kosha,4.Vigyanmaya Kosha and 5.Anandmaya Kosha .

This exercise helps you to enter deeper states of Meditation quite easily.
Step4.Affirmations: This step ,if done properly,is most instrumental for personal tranformation.Positive Affirmations are Positive Statements, which,if repeated mentally in the relaxed state of mind,can produce significant positive changes in your life.The more you repeat the Affirmations,the more they sink into your 'Subconscious Mind' and more benefit you can extract out of them.

A Positive Affirmation is framed 'As If ' you fully believe in it,'As If' your behaviour is already as positive as depicted by the Affirmation.Some of the examples of such Affirmations are as below:

"Every day in every way I'm getting better,better,better and better."
"Every moment of my life is full of Enthusiasm,Joy and Bliss"
"I feel happy,I feel healthy,I feel terrific."
"The light of God within me is producing perfect results in my life now."
"As soon as i get up in the morning,i choose to remain happy throughout the day."
"Whenever i stand in front of a mirror,i deeply look into my eyes and smile."
"I tell myself good news before leaving the bed in the morning."
"I catch the people doing something right and praise."
"I love my work and enjoy doing it."
"I make it a habit to be happy."
"I love and appreciate myself just as i am."
"The more i love myself,the more i;m able to love others."
"The more i give,the more i receive and happier i feel."
"God is always with me,God is always helping me,God is always guiding me."
"I can do all things through God who strengthened me.I am drawing/receiving immense power from God."

If possible,read the article "As If Principle" published previously.

Step5.Nothing Doing: During this last and most important step ,you don't have to do anything.You just let happen whatever happens.
Just enjoy the peacefulness of your mind.Experience the blissful state of your inner being for as long as possible.

I'm sure everybody will benefit from this process.

Mukul Chaudhri

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