Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Explanation of Meditation Techniques-I

Explanation of Meditation Techniques_I

We categorized all the techniques of Basic Workshop(PTM Workshop-I) into three categories viz.Category I-A,Category I-B and Category II.
Category I-A mainly consists of some techniques related to breathing,Viz.

#OOM/OOM {Chanting of OM}
#BI:BO {Breathing in,Breathing Out}
#B & N {Ballooning & Normalising}
#BtI {Breathing Through Infinite}

OOOM/OMMM: During this step OM,the name of almighty,is repeated loudly by all the members together.This step is further subdivided into two steps:-During the first step,AU(O) is loudly spoken 2/3rd of the time and MM is spoken only 1/3rd of the time , while during the second step,AU(O) is spoken only 1/3rd of the time and MMM is repeated 2/3rd of the time.While we repeat MMM with closed mouth,experience of Bhramari Pranayama is witnessed.In Fact,whole of the universe is said to be contained in the word OM.According to our Upanishads,word OM is said to be formed wirh the help of Hindi alphabets 'aa''uu'and'mm'(Small Matras).'a' stands for PARMATMA,'u'stands for JIVATMA and 'm' stands forPRAKRITI.Since this small word contains the whole universe,this is the most appropriate name of GOD.

BI:BO: During this step,you just have to be aware that you are breathing also.We are spending 24 hours of the day in attaining various goals, executing all our important tasks .But,in the process we forget the most important function of our body & that is breathing.We forget that if our breath stops,we will no more be part of this world,we will no more be part of this system.We will no more be an achiever,we will no more be a go getter.

So,you have to be aware of the most important function(Breathing) of our body at all times; while you are BREATHING IN and while you are BREATHING OUT(BI:BO) .You can achieve this awareness if You start practicing it during Meditation Sessions.To achieve this,during the second step of you Meditation practice,keep your eyes closed and Mentally repeat the following sentence again & again:


Rest of the techniques of ‘category I-A’ viz.’7:1::7:1’,’B&N’ and ‘BtI’ will be explained in the next article.
Mukul Chaudhri
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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Meditation Techniques----Basic Workshop


Much has been theoretically said about Meditation.So,Now let’s start the Practicals.The categorization of Meditation Techniques can be initially done in two parts.First category consists of the techniques,using which, we can enter the state of Meditation.Second category of techniques are those which are practiced after entering the state of meditation using the techniques of category I.

The techniques taken up in Category I are,therefore, simpler to understand and practice.The following techniques can be taken under Category I:
Category I-A
# OOM/OOM {Chanting of OM}
# BI:BO {Breathing in,Breathing Out}
# 7:1::7:1
# B & N {Ballooning & Normalising}
# BtI {Breathing Through Infinite}

# BB(10_____1) {Black Board 10_____1}
# I.M. {Inside Muscles}
# I.O. {Inside Organs}
# P.R. {Progresive Relaxation}
# Affmns {Affirmations}
# BNP(10____1) {Beautiful Natural Place}
# HE {Happiness Event}

The following techniques may be grouped under CategoryII:
a) SS(N____P) {SS=Sea Shore}
b) QL(ILU) {Quiet Lake ,I Love You}
c) T.G.A. {Thank God for Assets}
d) F(o) {Forgive Others}
e) F(y) {Forgive Yourself}
f) W.P./2+2+2 {World Problem}
g) H.P.(o)/2+2+2 {Human Problem-Others}
h) H.P.(Y)/2+2+2 {Human Problem-Yourself}
i) Finding Love
j) A.O.G. {Attributes of God}

After all these techniques are explained one by one,we’ll start tak
ing up some advanced techniques under Category IV also. We’ll start taking up these techniques one by one from the next issue.

Mukul Chaudhri
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